Monday, October 21, 2024

How To Bring Your Business Into The New Decade

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Everyone faces burnout at work now and again, and when you’re a small business owner, it can be devastating. Not being able to find the joy in your job affects your performance, and anyone with this attitude in a management role is sure to have it rub off on employees. Sometimes, what your company really needs is a refresh to prevent work exhaustion. What better time to do that than at the top of a new decade? Use these tips to help bring your exhausted business into 2020 ready to tackle your competition.

Update Your Space

One of the simplest ways to improve morale and mood at the office is to make it feel less like a traditional office. Many modern workers are uncomfortable with the classic cubicle office setup, and an overhaul can help freshen things up, including office attitudes. If you don’t already have a break room, it’s time to add one, and if you have one, it’s time to update it. A simple rearranging of furniture and a paint job can go a long way. Roughly 47% of millennials are likely to choose white kitchen cabinets, compared to 41% of baby boomers, so keep this in mind when picking out colors for your break room.

New And Improved Materials

If the problem is more with the actual processes of the job itself, it could be that there are more efficient ways of getting work done at your company. Be sure to regularly check on your competitors and see what methods they’re using to get ahead – you could be surprised with what you learn. This is especially important when you’re considering introducing new material into your process, such as a new type of specialty gas. The specialty gas market is categorized into two types: pure gases and gas mixtures. It’s possible that by changing one aspect of your business like this could be the innovation you’ve been needing.

Improve Worker Benefits

Even if your workplace is a safe and secure office setting, health insurance and other benefits can greatly improve worker wellness. It may seem like a large expense, but taking care of your workers ensures they’ll stay with you and your company for longer. A quality health insurance plan is vital for both your employees and their families. Approximately 31 million injuries that require medical attention occur every year in the United States. In these cases, quality health insurance from an employer can be literally life-changing. In 2020, take better care of your employees through their benefits, and they’ll reward you for doing so with increased loyalty and productivity.

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Take Advantage Of Technology

Technology over the past few years has advanced significantly, to the point where many types of work can now either be automated or completed remotely. Many insist that attending meetings makes being physically present in an office necessary, but that’s not entirely accurate anymore. On average, there are 11 million meetings per day in the U.S., many involving video conferencing, VoIP services, etc. If it’s possible to use video conferencing for your meetings, consider offering a work-from-home or remote work option for your employees. This reduces the amount of time off they’ll need, while also decreasing office-wide stress and burnout.

The new decades creates plenty of opportunities to overhaul your business and improve employee morale. How do you plan to upgrade your business for the new decade, and what do you plan on doing to help out your employees this year?

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Sara Revonia
Sara Revonia
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author, and Mom. Sara Revonia’s articles are about business, life, and Entrepreneurship.
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