Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Interview with Inspiring Entrepreneur, International Speaker, & Author, Carola Castillo

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1- First of all, who is Carola?

The most beautiful thing about myself it’s my name CAROLINA it means warrior in the German language, when I found out that even though I am from Venezuela I realized it was the best name I could have because I do consider myself a warrior.

To know more about me, visit my page carolacastillooficial on instagram.

2- How do you describe your work in a few words?

I describe my work as a unique opportunity to have new experiences.

A personal work that can give you a glimpse of how much we had to memorized life in order to survive.  I will teach you that.

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3- What do you expect of yourself?

To stay authentic and truthful to myself.

4- When it comes to your work and performances, what is the difference you aim to make?

To trust yourself sometimes it is very hard. You think sometimes it is too intrepid, but this is the only way.  That had been my rules for success.  

5- What “Entrepreneurship” means to you?

I love the word entrepreneurship, if you compare yourself with a spear (lance) the new it is always in the front.  It is very dark, you go very fast, and you don’t know where you going to land.  One day it happens because you had the power to do it. Because you have the discipline and you were constant and faithful to yourself. Once you have landed, others will and that’s what it is to be an entrepreneur.

6- If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be? And what would you change?

I will repeat myself constantly, you have to trust you have to trust.

I will change to take the option of not wasting time.

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7- Tell us about the most recent project you are proud of?

Recently because of the situation of Pandemia, I took the decision to have online courses, at this moment it’s just two of them, but there is one that I really love it.  Healing theatre, myself telling my story out loud. I have found it is a very powerful tool to create consciousness.

8- From your experience, what advice would you give to young entrepreneurs just starting out?

Every time I do a conference, or I have to motivate people I always tell them to break away from the drama, be proud of what you have done and taken every day as a new opportunity.

9- Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I don’t like to talk too much about the past or the future, I do believe you can have your future right here and right now, so in five years it’s where I’m standing.

10- Any final thoughts?

When you understand that you needed to learn things in order to endure, there is an amazing potential, you can transform your life from data to wisdom and that is always a possibility that everybody has.
Carola Castillo

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Kat Adiver
Kat Adiverhttps://www.blogprocess.com
is a Mom. Graduated from Telfer School of Management, Finance/Accounting with interest to Entrepreneurship and New Media.
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